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Actual Textiles


Ecologie icon

For environmental subjects, we recently intensified its partnership with an external party that has constructed, monitored and managed the wastewater treatment plant at our dyeing mill from the very beginning.

To decrease its environmental impact, we have established collaborations with several local organizations that recycle and upcycle our production wastage.

Usine icon

On the factory premises in Antsirabe, we invested in and manage a plant nursery. Young plants have been donated over the last years to the Environmental Ministry’s reforestation program.

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Actual Textiles à Madagascar
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suscipit dignissim

Nam id posuere odio, quis porttitor turpis. Nam orci metus, condimentum quis interdum in, bibendum a odio. Curabitur facilisis mi orci, vitae pulvinar erat accumsan aliquet. Integer ultricies rhoncus neque, eget fermentum odio gravida quis. Quisque id imperdiet libero, nec mollis lectus. Quisque nibh felis, consectetur congue rhoncus quis, gravida in lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse mollis leo ac suscipit dignissim. Proin vitae facilisis dui, non imperdiet nunc.
Social Actual Textiles

vel ullamcorper

Nunc rhoncus convallis felis. Duis tempus urna nec justo lacinia, vel ullamcorper ipsum facilisis. Nunc vel laoreet urna, vitae tincidunt augue. Vivamus ut mauris a erat eleifend gravida ac varius risus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec eleifend sem a ligula hendrerit bibendum. Aenean lacinia sodales congue. Donec vitae faucibus dui. Mauris tempor mi vitae lectus tincidunt consectetur. Ut lobortis nunc vitae nunc sodales semper. Quisque congue blandit erat quis facilisis. Pellentesque nec consequat nisi, vitae eleifend mauris. Curabitur ut erat augue. Nunc consequat sagittis tellus, ac commodo eros imperdiet ac. Vestibulum luctus tincidunt sapien ut euismod. Fusce ipsum odio, euismod vel quam et, pellentesque consequat leo.

Health and Safety


Good work conditions are essential to maintain the wellbeing and safety of our workers and contribute to good performance. Various activities and programs are installed to assure a clean and safe working environment:

Potable water

health Care

Health and well-being of our employees is of great importance to us. Our employees can visit the on-site medical service at any time. They can be treated for minor ailments, receive information about family planning or medication on prescription and obtain referral notes for further examination in a medical center if necessary. The employees receive all necessary medications free of charge and visit the medial team regularly for routine and prevention checkups. Besides the educational actions, the medical service also provides lunch talks on health-related topics (illness prevention, dental care, the importance of good nutrition and drinking water and so on).
Actual Textiles

Social projects

The environment at Actual textiles
Social Project


textile products
of certified quality

Due to the wide range of certificates, we cover an assessment of the entire production cycle.
Quality Control

reliable specialized products

Social and environmental sustainability are important topics for Actual Textiles. For this reason, our Accord Knits production plant collaborates with certain initiatives that have individual objectives. Due to the wide range of certificates, we cover an assessment of the entire production cycle. Starting from raw material, to dyeing and tailoring, ending with shipping.
Contrôle qualité


GOTS est connu comme la principale norme de traitement au monde pour une chaîne de production mondialement durable et contrôlable. La norme définit des critères de haut niveau tout au long du cycle de production, depuis un contenu de qualité d’au moins 70 % de fibres organiques, jusqu’aux conditions écologiques et sociales.
Contrôle qualité


L’OCS 100 a pour objectif de mesurer avec précision et de garantir le contenu écologique des matériaux tout au long de la chaîne de production. Les fils, tissus et textiles finis certifiés avec la norme OCS 100 sont composés d’au moins 95 % de matières organiques, qui sont commercialisées de manière transparente de l’agriculteur au filateur, à l’usine de confection et enfin au client.
Actual Textiles, Savoir-faire


En tant qu’organisation mondiale à but non lucratif, BCI travaille à l’amélioration de la production de coton à l’échelle mondiale. Il défend l’interdiction des pesticides nocifs, la protection de la biodiversité ainsi qu’une culture économe en eau et responsable. De plus, la dignité humaine doit être garantie dans les conditions de travail.
Actual Textiles, Techniques


Un produit certifié Oeko-Tex 100 garantit l’absence totale de substances nocives. Cela inclut le vêtement complet avec ses composants tels que les fermetures à glissière, les boutons et les fils. Les critères sont mis à jour sur une base annuelle et respectent donc les réglementations gouvernementales et les dernières connaissances scientifiques.
Quality Control


GOTS is known as the world’s leading processing standard for a globally sustainable and controllable production chain. The standard defines high-level criteria throughout the production cycle, from a quality content of at least 70% organic fibers, to ecological and social conditions.

Quality Control


The OCS 100 aims to accurately measure and ensure the eco-content of materials throughout the production chain. Yarns, fabrics and finished textiles certified with the OCS 100 standard are composed of at least 95% organic materials, which are marketed seamlessly from the farmer to the spinner, to the garment factory and finally to the customer.

Actual Textiles, Know how


As a global non-profit organization, BCI works to improve cotton production globally. It defends the prohibition of harmful pesticides, the protection of biodiversity as well as a culture that saves water and is responsible. Moreover, human dignity must be guaranteed in working conditions.

Actual Textiles, Techniques


A product certified Oeko-Tex 100 guarantees the total absence of harmful substances. This includes the complete garment with its components such as zippers, buttons and threads. The criteria are updated on an annual basis and therefore comply with government regulations and the latest scientific knowledge.

Departement vente

Sales department:

he ACTUAL TEXTILES sales team is in constant communication with our customers, following their requirements step by step.
We dig deep into their product specifications, using industry expertise to cross-reference and negotiate on their behalf.
Forward capacity planning allows us to quickly and efficiently adapt the production schedule to customer circumstances.
Whether customers are looking for a specific material or trim, or require a complete design and manufacturing solution, we are able to provide the bespoke service that best suits their needs.